St Werburgh's Roman Catholic Parish, Chester

Reconciliation Mass

St Werburgh's SVP helped to organise a Reconciliation Mass recently, for a number of parishioners who might otherwise find it a challenge to travel and attend a normal Sunday Mass.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is considered by the Catholic Church to be an opportunity to grow closer to God and usually comprises a mix of public prayer and individual confession.

Fr Paul kindly celebrated the Mass, which was followed by refreshments in the Parish House, provided by 'Werbie' SVP Members.

As a setting for the Mass a banner showing the triumphal entry of our Lord into Jerusalem on a donkey was complemented by a lovely new column-mounted banner, created by Werbie volunteers and exclaiming, 'Hosanna' and 'Christ is Risen - Alleluia'.

Our photos show one of the banners' co-creators, Bernadette O'Shea, standing in front of the two banners just before the Mass, and of the Mass under way.

John O'Sullivan
23rd March 2024