St Werburgh's Roman Catholic Parish, Chester

Being Confirmed

The Sacrament of Confirmation, by which many young people are sealed and confirmed in their faith, is held every other year in St Werburgh's, alternating with St Columba's. As a general rule, St Columba's and St Theresa's join together one autumn, and St Werburgh's, St Clare's and St Francis the alternating autumn, but young people from any of the Chester Catholic Parishes are warmly welcome at either. In 2017, it will be at St Werburgh's, 2018 at St Columba's, 2019 at St Werburgh's, and so on. In both Parishes, the Sacrament is normally conferred by the Bishop at the end of November or beginning of December, following a three month programme of classes and instruction beginning in September.

The minimum age for Confirmation in our Diocese is Year Eight of the High School (i.e. second year), but, as with all sacraments, there is no upper age limit, and we are always pleased to welcome enquiries from older teenagers or adults. Please approach either Parish in plenty of time to enrol, preferably before the summer holidays begin.