St Werburgh's Roman Catholic Church engages fully with Churches of other Christian denominations in Chester in a full programme of ecumenical events.
To signify our commitment in this work, we are signatories to the Covenant that is displayed near the altar at the front of the Church. This states:
We affirm each Christian Congregation as being part of the Church of Jesus Christ believing in God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We affirm the importance of Christian Unity for the well being of Christ's Church and for the strength of the Church's witness.
We confirm our commitment to work towards being one in worship and practice.
We confirm our commitment to pray for each other regularly.
We confirm our commitment to pray with each other regularly in small and large groups.
We confirm our commitment to have a programme of mission which we undertake together including social action and offering Jesus Christ.
We confirm our commitment to reaching out to other local Christian congregations and inviting them to join City Centre Churches.
and is signed by representatives of
Chester Cathedral
Christ Church
City Rd Presbyterian Church Of Wales
St Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church
St John The Baptist
St Peter
St Werburgh's Roman Catholic Church
The Salvation Army: Chester City Corps
Welsh Presbyterian Church St John Street (Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru)
Wesley Methodist Church
on behalf of
Churches Together in the City Centre, Chester
Click on the diary icon to show or hide dates of future ecumenical meetings.